segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2007

Du riechst so gut

Existe em todos nós o anseio pelo selvagem.
Existem poucos antídotos aceites na nossa cultura para este nosso desejo ardente.
Ensinaram-nos a ter vergonha destes tipos de aspirações.
No entanto, o espectro do Homem Selvagem ainda nos atormenta noite e dia.
Não importa onde estejamos, a sombra que corre atrás de nós tem decididamente quatro patas.

Adaptado de Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

Coloquei um video original dos Rammstein e a letra em Inglês. Para que todos possamos ver a forma como, abordaram este nosso desejo...

"You smell so good"

Is only a narrow bridge
the banks are reason and desire
I'm going after you
the sunlight confuses the mind
A blind child that's crawling forward
because it smells it's mother

The track is fresh and onto the bridge
drips your sweat and your warm blood
I don't see you
I only smell you and I sense you
A predator that screams with hunger
I scent you for miles

You smell so good
You smell so good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
I'll find you
So good
So good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
I'll have you shortly

I'll wait till it is dark
Then I'll touch your wet skin
don't tell on me
Oh don't you see the bridge is burning
Stop screaming don't defend yourself
Because otherwise it breaks apart

You smell so good
You smell so good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
I'll find you
So good
So good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
I'll have you shortly

You smell so good
You smell so good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
I'll find you
So good
So good
I have come upon you
You smell so good
I'm coming after you
You smell so good
You smell so good
Now I have you

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